
  • Posted:

    Just watched this video that covers some game companies wanting to put ads in paid-for games. It’s so ridiculous. I could never see myself playing a game that does that. Hell, I only play mobile games when I’m on a network that has a pihole so I don’t have to deal with ads every other minute.

    I’m so happy that I play old games and don’t really have to worry about this bullshit lmao.

  • Posted:

    Just watched this great video by Technology Connections. Brought up a lot of good points and even made me reevaluate if I should be using AI as much as I do.

  • Posted:

    After a whole day of working on this, its all set up how I like it. I also redid the design of the website to make it more round and modern™.

  • Posted:

    1..2..1..2.. Is this on??

    Wow a cool song

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